lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

Plataforma 2

Dear Students:
Today you'll continue working on the platform completing activities from unit 5 to 8.

Your task is the following:
- Go to
- Access to the platform entering your email account and password.
- Click  on "PROGRAMA INGLÉS".
- Then click on "PRE-INTERMEDIATE" level.
- Go to exercises and complete the activities from unit 5 to 8 only.

Write a short post telling:
- What was the most difficult task?
- What was the easiest task?

Word-count: 50 words min.                               
 Enjoy your practice :)

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015


My Dear Students:
Today you'll work on the platform in order to practice the contents covered during the Semester.

Your task is the following:
- Go to
- Access to the platform entering your email account and password.
- Click  on "PROGRAMA INGLÉS".
- Then click on "PRE-INTERMEDIATE" level.
- Go to exercises and complete the activities from unit 1 to 4 only.

Write a short post telling:
- What was the most difficult task?
- What activity did you enjoy doing?
- Which skill (speaking, reading, listening or writing) has been more challenging for you throughout the semester? Why? How can you improve it?

Word-count: 50 words min.                               
 Enjoy your practice :)

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

Post 10 (week 15) >> Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

Write about your experience using blogs in the English class.


> What you think about the experience in general
> How much you feel your writing skills have developed
> What you would like to include in the future
> What else you would like to write about

Wordcount: 200
Make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts.