miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Post 9 (week 14) >> Themed/Free post 4 " Tv shows and Series "

To be Honest, I try to avoid watching series because I don't have so much free time to watch TV, and also because I know that if I get to really like one, I won't stop watching chapters until I finish all seasons. I know it might sound kind of weird, specially nowadays that there is a huge variety of series; a lot of people has recommend me series like Games of Thrones or House of Cards and to tell the truth, I would love to watch them because I've heard that the plots are really interesting, but I decided not to see anything yet at least until holidays, when I have free time to be relaxed and spend as many hours as I want watching all the series that I'm interested in. 

Sometimes it seems that series became successful just a couple of years ago, but I think this is because more people have access now to have Netflix or Cable TV which offers many alternatives to the regular Tv that is totally boring and monotonous. In this sense series are a great alternative for people to have another kind of entertainment. 
I remember that many years ago when I was a child I used to watch Buffy the vampire slayer and Malcolm in the middle. but I've never seen the famous ones like Lost or the ones that are so famous now, at least at the moment, because I know I'll end up watching them.
Anyway, this year, one boring day my brother told me Why don't we watch a movie? and while we were deciding which one, we suddenly saw a colorful cover with strange animation, it was Adventure Time so we decided to gave it an opportunity, and let me tell you that I totally loved it from the very beginning , it has an ironic sense of humor at times and the characters are so fun for me. The Ice King, he looks like a bad guy but he only wants to be loved, and Jake is really ironic and Lumpy Space Princess always gossiping and complaining, and the Lich... so sacry XD , and they are not just random chapters, there is also a story behind, so I can tell that I'm a big fan of Adventure Time. But there is something about versions because in my case I watch it in English and the jokes and voices are so much fun and they have another sense than in Spanish. Actually, I when I watched in Spanish I didn't like so much Jake's voice and the opening are so different. So this is a serie that I totally recommend you to watch But in English version. 
What about you? Any serie to recommend? 

Dear all,

Your assignment this week is writing about your favorite Tv shows or series.
Please include:

- Do you have or had any favorite serie?
- Why do you like it?
- What kind of series (stories) do you enjoy the most?
- Is there any serie that you haven't seen but you would like to?
- Any other piece of information you may consider important.

-190 words minimum.
- Include a picture. 
- Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015

Post 8 (week 12) >> Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field

British Council is a useful career-related website that I'm not using in my current job, but I used it a lot when I worked at school; Not only because it has available material for me as teacher, but it also contains a lot of exercises for students to practice at home and using the computer as a tool for learning english.

What's the difference with other  english websites? in my opinion here you have more than one option to achieve what you are looking for. For example, in other webpages you might find only fill in the blank activities, but here you have suitable tasks according to the different levels and proficiency. This webpage also has a friendly design, which makes easier for teachers and students to find what they need, because the contents are organized into categories. Also, it is possible to develop different skills because you can find listening, reading, writing activities and some others of repetition.
I also used a lot of ideas specially games, that helped me to apply the contents in a meaningful and interesting way for students and of course they enjoyed them. 
I think it is important to use technological resources specially nowadays that most of the people have access to a computer and is something they are familiar with.

For this post, the students have to choose only ONE of these  2 options:

Post 1 (Instructions). 

Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.
You have to:

- provide the link

- describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- say how often you visit the site
- explain why you like the site.
>Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs
>Word Count: 170

Post 2 (Instructions)

Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?


-Who she/he is. (short biography)

-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.
-Include his/her image

> About 180 words
>Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs