jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Post 6 (week 10) >> Themed/Free post 2 "My favourite Movie"

In this opportunity I'll talk about my favorite movie, and despite I love watching movies in my free time, I think that the one that I like the most is BIG FISH. It's kind of difficult for me try to find just one reason to explain why I like it so much, I love the way this story is presented and the characters are very particular. Among them you can find a witch, a giant, a werewolf and a very big fish in a lake. I love the way in which magic and reality are mixed, and above all I think that in a way the main character is very similar to my dad, and that makes it so special.
To tell the truth, I don't remember the first time I saw this movie, but I can tell you this: "this movie has the best ending I've ever seen" It's totally perfect for me, and I really recommend you to see it if you haven't yet. It has everything, action, romance, magic, tragedy and adventure.
In second place I like FIGHT CLUB, this one is completely different from Big Fish, but I totally love it too! and I think it is interesting to analyze through this movie the role of society, consumerism, behavior, and how we just reproduce a system without thinking if we feel happy or not about the way we are living. In a way I believe there is a Tyler Durden inside of each one of us, but of course we don't like to think about it.
In general I like different kinds of movies, because as the same as happens with music, there is a time for everything. Sometimes I want  to laugh with a comedy, or some others I like science fiction, etc. But there is one category I don't like at all, and this is horror movies, I'm not good at watching them because after I see them I just can't forget those scary characters or images that appear on the movie and I feel scary for a long time, that is why I prefer to avoid them. 
The most recent movie I saw was "Whiplash" about a young drummer, It is  an excellent movie... you should see it. 

Dear all,
Your assignment this week is writing about your favourite movie. 

  Please include:

- What's your favourite movie and why you like it?
- When was the first time you saw it?
- What kind of  movies do you like to watch?
- What is the most recent movie you saw? Did you like it?
- Any other piece of information you may consider important.

- Number of words: 160
- Leave comments on at least 3 of your mates' posts.