sábado, 4 de abril de 2015

Post 2 (week 4) > Expectations for a New Semester

I should start saying that this year has been full of surprises, well... at least so far... I had wonderful holidays and I have accomplished many projects I though would take longer, so I hope it could continue in the same way or even better.

About this semester expectation I have many... First of all I would like to pass all my subject at the Master. I really enjoy studying again, the subjects are so interesting and I've met really nice people. I have one course that is called "Physiology of Language" in which we learn about neurolinguistics and neuroscience. Is really interesting to see what happen in a cognitive level when people learn a new language, or another course I like is "Critical Pedagogy" where we discuss about many topics regarding teaching issues and also we the chance to see other points of view through group works. I have enjoyed them a lot.  
The only problem about my studies is that  I can't practice Tang Soo Do anymore because classes are the same days and at the same hours so I can't do both, but I expect to keep running in the mornings at least. I thing that practicing any kind of sport has become an important part of my life because I feel happier and I think that it gives me energy to keep working during the rest of the day, so I hope I can continue doing it.  
I'm also planning to travel abroad by the end of the second semester but this depends on many factors... anyway, for now they are just random ideas but I hope I can make them real .

Last but not least, about my job... This year I have had to work with students from different careers and in my opinion their participation in English classes has been good. I think the expectations about my job this semester are basically to make my students enjoy learning english and feel confident to express themselves in classes and to ask me for help every time they need it.
I would like also to make them realize that learning this foreign language is not just useful in their labour fields, but is also something they can use in their daily life (they can find news, advertisements and information in English everywhere) so I hope they can have fun learning this foreign language.

Instructions for Blog Session 2:Expectations for a New Semester
Write about:
- The subjects you are doing this term.
- Extracurriculars you are taking.
- Other activities that you are part of  at university.
- What you expect from this new academic period.

Word-count: 110 (minimum)
> Make comments on three of your classmates posts.